
Doesn't this sound delicious? Dr. Natalie knows that you are dubious about whether this will
work for you, since most of us have a very negative response to the idea of being selfish. In this
fourth course, she is going to take this notion and flip it on its head for you. Showing you how
your current definition of selfless actually creates burnout and exhaustion, compromising your
ability to care and love for the people and things that are important to you. The absolute best
thing you can do for yourself and those you love is to take very good care of the person who
cares for and loves all those people...YOU!

It's our goal, during the coronavirus pandemic, to help as many people as possible online.  To make it easier for more people to get on board, we're giving more than 50% OFF!  The Learn to Love Your Story Selfish is the New Selfless Online Course was $199 and is NOW


We want to help more people find the joy in their lives again.  COVID has been so tough on all of us and Dr. Natalie knows that people are in need of some help. This program is for YOU, if you:

  • Feel a sense of lack, despite success
  • Struggle to articulate how you feel to others
  • Experience guilt about how you’re feeling
  • Have lost your way 
  • Are struggling to overcome turmoil in your life
  • Have become resigned to accepting a life you don’t love

Many people are suffering like this.  They feel their daily life has become an ordeal, and they don’t know where or how to find help. The people who have taken the Learn to Love Your Story online courses report they have achieved remarkable breakthroughs.

If you want to STOP feeling stuck and alone, despite feeling like you have "done everything right" in your life, then START the Selfish is the New Selfless Online Course NOW. Our mission is to guide you back to making self-empowered choices and rediscovering your love for life.

The Selfish is the New Selfless Online Course includes:

  • 1 Month of Online Interactive Coursework
    • 2 Teaching Videos each week
    • 2 Blogs with each Video
    • Workbooks for 4 Corresponding Weeks of the Coursework
    • 4 weeks of Mindfulness and Guided Meditation downloads
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